
食品百貨米通心粉湯類和穀物意大利麵食和湯麵條-Lotus Foods, Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, 4 Pack, 10 oz (283 g)

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食品百貨米通心粉湯類和穀物意大利麵食和湯麵條Lotus Foods, Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, 4 Pack, 10 oz (283 g)折價券,Lotus Foods, Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, 4 Pack, 10 oz (283 g)哪裡買,Lotus Foods, Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, 4 Pack, 10 oz (283 g)哪裡有,Lotus Foods, Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, 4 Pack, 10 oz (283 g)新光三越,Lotus Foods, Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, 4 Pack, 10 oz (283 g)大遠百,Lotus Foods, Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, 4 Pack, 10 oz (283 g)板橋遠百,Lotus Foods, Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, 4 Pack, 10 oz (283 g)麗寶百貨,Lotus Foods, Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, 4 Pack, 10 oz (283 g)家樂福,Lotus Foods, Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, 4 Pack, 10 oz (283 g)大潤發,Lotus Foods, Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, 4 Pack, 10 oz (283 g)全聯,Lotus Foods, Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, 4 Pack, 10 oz (283 g)宅配,Lotus Foods, Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, 4 Pack, 10 oz (283 g)台中大遠百,Lotus Foods, Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, 4 Pack, 10 oz (283 g)新竹巨城,Lotus Foods, Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, 4 Pack, 10 oz (283 g)台茂,Lotus Foods, Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, 4 Pack, 10 oz (283 g)宜蘭,Lotus Foods, Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, 4 Pack, 10 oz (283 g)忠孝東路氣沒的嗎始然重課。

如果你還在考慮Lotus Foods, Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, 4 Pack, 10 oz (283 g)這個商品的話我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買就可以囉~~


  • Rice is Life

  • Whole Grain Noodles

  • 髮旺旺
  • Gluten Free

  • Vegan

  • USDA Organic

  • 床的世界
  • Ready in 4 Minutes

  • 床的世界
  • Certified Organic by International Certification Services

  • Whole Grain - 60 g or More Per Serving

  • 髮旺旺
  • Kosher

  • Non GMO Project Verified

Lotus Foods brings you Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, traditional Japanese-style noodles made from our specialty rice instead of wheat!

In addition to being gluten free, millet and brown rice are some of the most nutritious and easily digestible grains. Our Millet & Brown Rice Ramen has a delicious nutty taste and is a good source of fiber and protein.

Ready to eat in just 4 minutes! Add to soup or miso for a quick bowl of flavorful and nourishing noodles any time. For a complete meal, use Ramen in your favorite stir-fry, or enjoy a cold noodle salad with a simple tamari and sesame oil dressing.

Lotus Foods, Organic Millet & Brown Rice Ramen, 4 Pack, 10 oz (283 g)





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