Sovereign Silver, 生物活性銀色水溶膠,增強抵抗機能,細水霧噴灑液,10百萬分比濃度,1液量盎司(29毫升)
或許大家都聽過Sovereign Silver, 生物活性銀色水溶膠,增強抵抗機能,細水霧噴灑液,10百萬分比濃度,1液量盎司(29毫升),但印象中Sovereign Silver, 生物活性銀色水溶膠,增強抵抗機能,細水霧噴灑液,10百萬分比濃度,1液量盎司(29毫升)平時是不打折的,但是今天告訴你買Sovereign Silver, 生物活性銀色水溶膠,增強抵抗機能,細水霧噴灑液,10百萬分比濃度,1液量盎司(29毫升)到這裡買,可以使用折價券買Sovereign Silver, 生物活性銀色水溶膠,增強抵抗機能,細水霧噴灑液,10百萬分比濃度,1液量盎司(29毫升),而且宅配到府完全不用搬Sovereign Silver, 生物活性銀色水溶膠,增強抵抗機能,細水霧噴灑液,10百萬分比濃度,1液量盎司(29毫升),真的省時省力又好輕鬆呢!

如果你還在考慮Sovereign Silver, 生物活性銀色水溶膠,增強抵抗機能,細水霧噴灑液,10百萬分比濃度,1液量盎司(29毫升)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- Travel Size
- Dietary Supplement髮旺旺
Why Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol Over Any Other Form of Silver?
"Colloidal Silver" has been used for over 115 years in countless applications, and encompasses a wide variety of silver products. Many products contain (claimed or unclaimed) salts, proteins, compounds or stabilizers - all of which affect silver's safety (elimination from the body) and efficacy.
Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol represents the ultimate refinement of the colloidal silver category. It contains 98% positively charged silver in pharmaceutical-grade purified water. Nothing else. Our unique silver species, with a verified and unmatched particle size, remains in its most active state for use within the body.
Why reach for just any colloidal silver product? Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol offers the safest and most effective concentration. This is why Sovereign Silver is the #1 selling silver brand on the market.
Sovereign Silver is manufactured in a GMP Certified髮旺旺 Facility.
The Path To Safe and Effective Use 髮旺旺of Silver
- Start Positive.髮旺旺 If silver is not positively charged, it doesn't work well. At best, most colloidal silver products contain only 10% charged silver. Sovereign Silver contains 98% positively charged silver [Ag1], making it exponentially more powerful than other brands.
- Think Absorption. The smaller the particle size, the easier it is for the body to absorb and eliminate. Sovereign Silver features an-unprecedented particle size of 0.8 nm/0.0008 microns, verified by 3rd party. No other silver can prove the same.
- Be safe. When it comes to concentration, more is not always better. Our tiny particle size yields greater surface area and higher-efficiency, making our 10 ppm (parts per million) product more effective than competing brands containing up to 500 ppm. Taken 7 times a day for 70 years. Sovereign Silver still falls below the EPA's (Environmental Protection Agency) daily oral Reference Dose (RfD) for silver.?
- Embrace Purity床的世界床的世界. Sovereign Silver has only two ingredients: 99.999% pure silver and pharmaceutical-grade purified water. It does not contain added salts or protein that render other silver products less-effective. Plus, it is packaged in non-leaching glass bottles, never plastic, to guarantee purity throughout its shelf-life. Sovereign Silver is vegan. It is also allergen, gluten, and GMO-free.
?According to the EPA (CASRN7440-22-4) daily Oral Silver Reference Dose (RfD) applied to 10 ppm, one may ingest 178.850 servings safely over 70 years.
髮旺旺Sovereign Silver, 生物活性銀色水溶膠,增強抵抗機能,細水霧噴灑液,10百萬分比濃度,1液量盎司(29毫升)